Prone Ts with Back Extension Exercise


The Prone Ts with Back Extension Exercise is a great way to develop stabilising strength in your back.

The Prone Ts with Back Extension Exercise forms part of the Golf Stability series of innovative and dynamic exercises that will build stability in your joints and core for better consistency and ball-striking.


Figure 1.  Prone Ts with Back Extension Exercise Video.



  • Start by lying face-down, with your legs together and your arms out at your sides, forming a “T” shape with your body, your thumbs facing upwards.
  • Squeeze the muscles between your shoulder blades and buttocks to lift your upper body, arms and legs slightly off the ground.
  • Hold for 2 deep breaths, in and out.
  • Relax and return to the starting position.
  • Continue for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your head in line with your spine by looking at a point on the floor under your eyes throughout.

Keep your shoulder blades back and down throughout.

Focus on your breathing, feeling your ribcage expand as you inhale deeply.

You should feel it working your back and glutes.



This is a more challenging version of the Prone Back Extension Exercise.

There are a number of other shoulder blade mobility and stability exercises in the Golf Loopy Train like a Champion System, you can see them all by clicking here.


If you have any questions or comments about this or other articles on Golf Loopy, please send us an email.


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