In order to fully understand the perfect golf swing takeaway, it is important discuss some of the common faults made by amateur golfers, and their consequences.
Understanding these faults will help you to better understand the correct golf swing mechanics. You will be able to identify problems with your own golf swing, to analyse them using pictures and video taken during your practice and drill sessions, and to more quickly correct them and make dramatic and lasting improvements to your golf swing.
With all of the faults described here, if you take the time to work through the takeaway drills presented in this section, can you grow the neural pathways that will make the proper movement automatic, and quickly eradicate these harmful faults forever.
The images below show each fault at the end of the takeaway, which is when the golf club shaft first reaches horizontal. This is the position you will use to check the quality of your takeaway…

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…result will again be a weak, “armsy” golf swing that lacks power and consistency, often producing a slice.
It’s Easier than it Looks!
You may feel daunted by hearing about how such small imbalances in the movements of your hips, shoulders, arms and wrists, from the very beginning of the golf swing, can lead to such serious problems.
Thankfully, in the Swing like a Champion system, the takeaway is actually quite simple — simpler than any of the faulty movements shown above. This is because it’s based on how the human body is designed to move in order to efficiently and simply move the golf club along the correct path.
If you take the time to work through the takeaway drills presented in this section, and then check your end of takeaway position regularly as you progress through the rest of the Swing like a Champion system, you can learn how to move correctly very quickly. It will take time to remove your bad habits, but the drills are designed to help you learn quickly and make lasting change by developing your proprioception and kinesthesia, learning what the proper movements feel like. The drills are also based on how your brain works when you learn new motor skills, growing the neural pathways that will make the proper movement automatic, and eradicate all of these harmful faults forever.
Stick with the Swing like a Champion system, and in just a short time you’ll have a truly great golf swing.
If you have any questions or comments about this or other articles on Golf Loopy, please send us an email.
Next up: we’ll put it all together in Golf Swing Drill 208 – Takeaway: Performing the Perfect Golf Swing Takeaway.