Putt Like a Champion – Your Road Map to Putting Excellence

How Many Putts Do I Need to Make?
How many putts should you be playing per round in order to play golf at your target level? As a rule of thumb, at all levels of the game, the…
Putt Like a Champion – Your Road Map to Putting Excellence
How many putts should you be playing per round in order to play golf at your target level? As a rule of thumb, at all levels of the game, the…
Every stroke counts the same on your scorecard, from a 6” tap-in to a 220 yard carry over water, and it’s particularly upsetting when we lose strokes needlessly – and…
As we discussed in How to Determine Your Dominant Eye, about 80% of the population are right-eye dominant, and this can cause our perception of the world to be misleading.…
The yips are horrible. So much so that golfers don’t like to even say the word. Those of us who have never suffered just can’t appreciate how debilitating they are.…
I am a great putter! I know this with certainty. I believe it beyond doubt. Yes, I work hard at my game. I practise every day, and each day I…
You’ve heard it a thousand times, “keep the ball below the hole with your approach shots into the putting green”. Every time you watch golf on TV, you hear the pundits…