This is the forth and final part of the transition drill series, which teaches you one of the most powerful moves in golf, the transition from backswing to downswing.
Though it is often regarded as one of the most difficult parts of the golf swing to learn, these drills will quickly teach you how to initiate the downswing from the ground up, using your lower body to build stability while using the momentum of the backswing to create huge separation between your upper and lower body, enabling you to generate enormous power – power that can consistently be translated into incredible club head speed through impact, and thus distance.
This drill pulls together the movements that you’ve been learning so far in this series, and it is crucial that you take the time to become proficient with drills 401a, 401b and 401c before working on this drill – if you’re not able to move your lower body effectively into a stable position, and you’ve not begun to learn how to control your muscles to move in the correct sequence, then you’re not ready for this drill and any work on it will be counterproductive.
Once you become proficient with this drill, the sequencing and timing of your swing will be transformed, and your your ball striking, consistency, and distance will all improve immeasurably…

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Next, we’ll work on what your arms and golf club should be doing during the transition, in Golf Swing Drill 402 – Transition: Building Lag for Amazing Distance.