This is the third of four drills that will help you learn the perfect golf swing transition movement. So far in this transition series, in drills 401a and 401b, we’ve learned how to move the lower body to initiate the downswing from the ground up, building a stable, powerful and consistent foundation.
With this drill, we’re going to learn the very essence of the transition, and traditionally the most difficult part of the golf swing to master, the blending of the backswing and downswing for power.
The transition is often regarded as too difficult for most amateur golfers because it involves moving powerfully in two directions at once. If you can do it, the payoff is huge – you’ll create massive separation between your hips and shoulders, stretching out the big muscles in your core and generating far more power than you ever could with a two piece “backswing then downswing” sequence.
But if you don’t know how it’s done, developing the coordination required is incredibly difficult – you really do feel like the proverbial “octopus falling out of a tree”. Even if they think they know what’s involved, most golfers never find the right movement, they can’t time it consistently, and they quickly give up trying.
However, as you’re about to find out, it really isn’t so difficult after all, and once you get it, you’ll be able to generate far more club head speed than you ever though possible.
It is crucial that you take the time to become proficient with drills 401a and 401b before working on this drill – if you’re not able to move your lower body effectively into a stable position, then you’re not ready for this drill and any work on it will be counterproductive…

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Next, we’ll bring it all together in Golf Swing Drill 401d – Transition: Building Separation to Generate Incredible Power.