Pelvic Disassociation Exercise


The Pelvic Disassociation Exercise teaches you how to move your pelvis independently of your shoulders, helping you to both create and close the separation of your pelvis and shoulders for power and consistency in your golf swing.

The Pelvic Disassociation Exercise forms part of the Golf Mobility series of innovative and dynamic exercises that will help to improve your joint and muscle mobility, improving your range of motion while increasing functional strength within the entire range of that motion – thus helping to prevent injuries and building the foundation for a consistent, accurate, and powerful golf swing.


Figure 1.  Pelvic Disassociation Exercise.




Make sure that you maintain perfect posture throughout this drill, keep your shoulders back, your back straight, and your abdominal muscles engaged.

Try this exercise in front of a mirror to make sure your shoulders and chest do not move as you turn your pelvis and hips.

Place your fingertips lightly on each shoulder so that you can feel when your shoulders try to move.

It’s okay if your knees move as they are pulled around by your hips, but don’t actively push with your legs.

The primary feeling should be of pulling your pelvis around with your obliques.

Concentrate on your core, especially your obliques, isolating the movements to your lower back, hips and pelvis.


How Will It Benefit Your Golf Swing?

The ability to separate your pelvis from your shoulders is crucial for a good golf swing, especially in the downswing.

This separation (the so-called X-factor) enables you to generate more power by stretching out the big muscles in your core as you coil your torso, and by generating lag in your swing through the compound pendulum effect.

If you can’t properly separate your pelvis from your shoulders, not only will you lose club head speed through impact, but you’ll rotate your whole body at the same time during your golf swing, causing a weak and destructive over-the-top or out-to-in swing path, often resulting in a horrible slice.

This pelvic disassociation exercise teaches you how to move your pelvis independently of your shoulders, helping you to both create and close the separation of your pelvis and shoulders for power and consistency.

For more information on the perfect golf posture, see Golf Swing 101 – Setup: Basic Posture and Golf Swing 103 – Setup: The Perfect Golf Spine Angle.


Target Muscles

This exercise mainly involves your internal obliques, external obliques, gluteus medius, piriformis and transversus abdominis.


If you have any questions or comments about this or other articles on Golf Loopy, please send us an email.


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