Figure 8 on an Exercise Ball


The Figure 8 on an Exercise Ball exercise provides a safe and controlled means of learning how to move your pelvis, for enhanced mobility and coordination in your lumbar spine, improving your posture and control.

This is a more challenging version of the Pelvic Thrust on an Exercise Ball exercise, requiring you to more precisely control movements of your pelvis.

The Figure 8 on an Exercise Ball exercise forms part of the Golf Mobility series of innovative and dynamic exercises that will help to improve your joint and muscle mobility, improving your range of motion while increasing functional strength within the entire range of that motion – thus helping to prevent injuries and building the foundation for a consistent, accurate, and powerful golf swing.


This exercise requires an exercise ball, often referred to as a Swiss ball, and also known as a balance ball, fitness ball, gym ball, stability ball, physioball, Swedish ball, therapy ball, or yoga ball.


  • Sit on an exercise ball with your feet facing forwards, hip width apart, and your knees directly over your ankles.  Your thighs should be about parallel with the ground.
  • Sit up straight, with your chest up and shoulders back, and your lower back in a neutral position.
  • Inhale as you raise your arms, crossing them in front of you, into the starting position.
  • Move your pelvis smoothly in a figure 8 motion, by using both side-to-side and forwards-to-backwards motions.  Continue to breathe deeply as you do this.
  • Continue for the desired number of repetitions in each direction.


Perform the motion in both directions, so that each hip moves both clockwise and counter-clockwise.  Also, describe figure 8s that are both upright and sideways (an infinity symbol).

Don’t slouch, keep your chest up and your shoulders back, your shoulders should not move much throughout this exercise.

Your movements should be smooth and fluid, initiated and controlled by your core.  Focus on the quality and symmetry of your movements.

Concentrate on your core, isolating the movements to your lower back, hips and pelvis.


For a different challenge, try writing the alphabet with your pelvis.

This is an easier version of the Pelvic Thrust on an Exercise Ball.

How Will It Benefit Your Golf Swing?

Correct posture, with a neutral spine position (not slumped forward or extended backward), positions your spine so as to allow the greatest amount of rotation.  This will enable you to rotate in your backswing, downswing, and follow-through more easily, with greater range of movement and less stress on your body.

For more information on the perfect golf posture, see Golf Swing 101 – Setup: Basic Posture and Golf Swing 103 – Setup: The Perfect Golf Spine Angle.

Target Muscles

This exercise mainly involves your psoas major, rectus abdominis, and transversus abdominis.


If you have any questions or comments about this or other articles on Golf Loopy, please send us an email.


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Introduction to the Swing like a Champion System.

Golf Swing 101 – Setup: Basic Posture.

Golf Swing 103 – Setup: The Perfect Golf Spine Angle.

Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology, a collection of articles describing the roles of the muscles involved in the golf swing.


» Train like a Champion home page.

» Swing like a Champion Home Page.

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