Monthly Archives: December, 2014


Every stroke counts the same on your scorecard, from a 6” tap-in to a 220 yard carry over water, and it’s particularly upsetting when we lose strokes needlessly – and…

Golf Games

If you’d like to spice up your regular group with something a little different, you should try playing Wolf – a fun golf game of strategy and shifting allegiances. Wolf…

General Hit the %&*#$^@ Ball! - Play Your Golf Like a Champion

Playing golf well is really about only two things, distance and direction. Of these, distance is king.  Distance control, yes of course, but to play to your potential you must…

Mental Game The Perfect Pre-Shot Routine - Play Your Golf Like a Champion

The golden rule for making the most of your current abilities and giving yourself the best chance of shot-making successThis is a simple, uncluttered routine that needn’t take more than…