Yearly Archives: 2013

Golf Anatomy The Role of the Erector Spinae in the Golf Swing - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The Erector spinae muscles (also known as extensor spinae) are a bundle of muscles and tendons, running more or less vertically throughout the lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions of the…

Golf Mobility

The Core Disassociation Exercise teaches you how to move your upper torso (chest and shoulders) independently of your pelvis and hips, helping you to both create and close the separation…

Golf Anatomy The Role of the Psoas Major in the Golf Swing - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The psoas major is a large, powerful muscle that helps move the upper leg (femur) and the torso closer together in a flexion movement. The Role of the Psoas Major…

Golf Anatomy Internal and External Rotation - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

In anatomy, internal rotation (also known as medial rotation) is rotation towards the centre of the body. External rotation (or lateral rotation) is rotation away from the centre of the…

Golf Anatomy Stretch-Shorten Cycle (SSC) - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

A stretch-shorten cycle (SSC) is an active stretch of a muscle followed by an immediate shortening of that same muscle. In biomechanical terms, this is an eccentric contraction followed by a…

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